November 2015 monthly update for the Chicken Little Portfolio.
In November 2015, the Chicken Little Portfolio lost 0.29%. In November, the Dow Jones Industrial Average returned 0.74%.
You can view the portfolio performance in real time by clicking here.
Chicken Little changed nothing substantial during the month of November. The portfolio remains heavily invested in US Treasuries, short precious metals, and fractionally short global stocks.
You can view the portfolio performance in real time by clicking here.
Chicken Little changed nothing substantial during the month of November. The portfolio remains heavily invested in US Treasuries, short precious metals, and fractionally short global stocks.
November 2015 performance
Nov. 2015 |
Since 3/31/15
| |
Chicken Little | -0.29% | -2.26% |
Dow Jones | +0.74% | +1.33% |
The Chicken Little Portfolio lost 0.29% in November. The loss is attributed primarily to the modest losses in long-term Treasuries. Over the course of November, stocks around the world were largely unchanged. Gold lost 6.75% in November.
Asset | Symbol | Nov. 2015 | 2015 YTD |
Dow Jones Industrials | DIA | 0.74% | 1.69% |
Non-US Stocks | EFA | -0.75% | 1.51% |
Emerging Market Stocks | EEM | -2.52% | -12.72% |
US Long-Term Bonds | TLT | -0.87% | -1.46% |
Gold | GLD | -6.75% | -10.27% |
December 2015 portfolio positions
As of December 1st, the Chicken Little Portfolio remains ready for a global, deflationary depression. Chicken Little is heavily invested in US Treasuries, modestly short precious metals, and fractionally short global stocks. In November, Chicken Little added modestly to the short position in emerging market stocks and added modestly to the Treasury note position.
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