
Chicken Little Portfolio Suffers in First Month

On March 30, 2015, I unveiled the Chicken Little Portfolio, which can be viewed publicly. (You can join the contest.) This post is the monthly update for the portfolio. In April 2015, the Chicken Little Portfolio lost 1.18% while the Dow Jones Industrial Average returned a positive 0.40%.

Losing 1.18% in a month is a more dismal than it may appear for two reasons. First, the portfolio is designed for safety. Second, most of the portfolio is in cash or medium term US Treasuries. April’s performance is like losing 50-0 without leaving the bench.


Join the Chicken Little Stock Contest

In March 2015,  I unveiled my investment positions and made them public in realtime.

The best way to learn about financial markets is to trade with your real money. The second best way is to publicly trade a paper portfolio. I encourage readers to enter the Chicken Little contest.


A Trick For Higher SAT scores? Unfortunately no.

Wouldn’t it be cool if there was a simple trick to score better on college entrance exams like the SAT and other tests?

There is a reputable claim that such a trick exists. Unfortunately, the trick does not appear to be real.

This is the story of an academic paper where I am a co-author with possible lessons for life both inside and outside the Academy.

[related post: Top 5 mistakes made by college students.]
[related post: How Technology will change education]


Where does Chicken Little invest?

Image result for chicken little

Today, I am connecting my macroeconomic views to my investment decisions. That means I will disclose my own investment decisions. The following chart represents my current investment position. This is my real financial position, not some target allocation or paper recommendation for other people.