
January 2020, Chicken Little Portfolio Performance

If you need to hide 25% of your assets to avoid inflation or confiscation, do you have the tools? If not, a crypto beachhead might be a good idea.  Chicken Little has made three successful cryptocurrency raids (1, 2, 3). A raid is temporary by design. A beachhead, in contrast, is persistent and can be expanded

Chicken Little has established a crypto beachhead

January 2020 performance

The Chicken Little Portfolio gained 1.89% in January 2020 while the Dow Jones Industrial Average lost -0.89%.  

Jan '19YTD
Chicken Little1.89%1.89%
Dow Jones Industrials-0.89%-0.89%

January was a Donnie Brasco investing environment -- lots of gains in risky assets that withered away before the end of the month. Everyone seems to be getting rich, but they are not. The safe haven assets of gold, long-term Treasuries and crypto did well in January; all risky assets declined. 

AssetSymbolJan '19YTD
Dow Jones IndustrialsDIA-0.89%-0.89%
Non-US StocksEFA-2.78%-2.78%
Emerging Market StocksEEM-6.15%-6.15%
US Long-Term BondsTLT7.69%7.69%

February 2020 portfolio positions

Chicken Little continues to believe that the global economy is doing poorly. In 2019, the US economy grew by just 2%. This anemic growth in the context of a $1 Trillion US Federal Deficit, low interest rates, and the resumption of e-printing by the Fed. 

The economic patient is barely alive while being shot up with prodigious amounts of stimulus. This means the patient is very sick. 

The Chicken Little Portfolio remains prepared for a depression, probably deflationary, but possibly inflationary. Chicken Little has established a beachhead by investing 2.5% of the portfolio in cryptocurrencies. This beachhead can easily expand to any amount as Chicken Little has set up the systems for crypto investment. 

Previous month's report                 Subsequent Month's report

Chicken LittleDow Jones Industrials
2020 (through January)1.89%-0.89%
2015 (April through Dec)-2.49%-0.27%
since inception (3/31/15)12.51%76.27%

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