
May 2024, Chicken Little Portfolio Performance

Can AI save us from Government profligacy?

The bull case for the economy and asset markets is that technology, particularly Artificial Intelligence, will save the financial day. The US government is overspending at an historic rate and, consequently, the cumulative US debt is at historic highs - exceeding the Debt/GDP levels at the end of World War II. Who will win? So far, AI. 

Robots to the Rescue? 

May 2024 performance
The Dow Jones Industrial Average gained 2.44% in May 2024. The Chicken Little Portfolio gained 0.52%. Year to date, the Dow is up 3.50% while Chicken Little is up 2.77%

May 2023YTD 2023
Chicken Little0.52%2.77%
Dow Jones Industrials2.44%3.50%

May 2024 was a bullish month across all major asset classes. While gains in the tech sector have been very strong in 2024, broader asset classes have had modest returns. Bitcoin continue to outperform all other investments over every significant time frame (1 month, 1 year, 5 years, etc.) 

AssetSymbolMay 2023YTD 2023
Dow Jones IndustrialsDIA2.44%3.50%
Non-US StocksEFA5.06%7.74%
Emerging Market StocksEEM1.95%3.93%
US Long-Term BondsTLT2.85%-7.28%

June 2024 portfolio position
The Chicken Little portfolio remains positioned for financial apocalypse. One trade in the month of May - an increase in the modest short equity position. Crypto position is larger not because of a trade, but because the price of Ethereum went up a lot around the time of Ether ETF approval. 

Chicken LittleDow Jones Industrials
2024 (through May)2.77%3.50%
2015 (April through Dec)-2.49%-0.27%
since inception (3/31/15)24.26%161.28%

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